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“Angel with butterfly” (“Solar metronome”)

Art project for University of West Florida (Call for Public Art on STEAM, 2018)


 ‘’Rhythm is everywhere. Be sensitive to it, and stay aware of spontaneous occurrences that can spur rhythmic development. Listen all the time and use your imagination. Become a rhythm antenna.’’

Andrew Lewis.


The public art gadget ‘’Solar metronome’’ is based on multidisciplinary synthesis of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences.

From the anropological focus comes the idea of the wings and the head of sitting angel. These forms are inspired by the traditional native american’s game lacrosse. People joking, that Indians invent this game specially for university students. In fact it was an incredible example not only of  the ancient ritual of homosocial iniciation (child becomes an adult), but – peaceful way of human relations.

In his book ”American Indian Lacrosse: Little Brother of War’’  Thomas Vennum Jr. gives us such example: “In the past, lacrosse also served to vent aggression, and territorial disputes between tribes were sometimes settled with a game.”

The zebra longwing butterfly (Heliconius charitonius), the official state Florida butterfly -represents the localization of the art gadget. In fact, wings of this butterfly – is the sundial (or – metronome). The base of the butterfly plays the role of gnomon, it is the triangular pyramid. One of the edges of this pyramid is inclined to the horizon at the angle  of 30,5° and directed to the North (angle comes from real geographical coordinates of the art gadget). Two tiny gaps on the wings give us the sun ray. This sun ray in the shadow of the wings is the perfect hour hand. Gnomon has one more secret in its construction. The angle between two larger sides of the pyramid is 1°40’. The sun passes this angular distance in the sky in 4 minutes and 33 seconds. This mathematical trick gives us time of shadow on the clock face. The absence of the sun ray may be compared to the moment of silence.

In the history of the music of XX century 4’33’’ – is the fundamental work of great sound philosopher and Zen time thinker John Cage.

The appearance of the time in the world mythological tradition is one of the acts of birth of Cosmos out of Chaos.

Two webcams on the wings of angel broadcast the rhythm of Solar metronome to the worldwide audience.


The object “Solar metronome” 3200mm high is made of steel 3mm and angle bar 50mm.

The base  - armouring concrete (3 cubic meters).

Covering – automotive enamel.

Maintenance requirements – the same as for the car in case of scratches etc


Usually in horizontal sundial the time is shown by the shadow from gnomon falling to the horizontal surface (known as a dial face or dial plate), but in that object it is the ray of light coming through the slit between the wings of the butterfly and AB line (gnomon, AB line) and reflecting from dial plate.

Gnomon AB line points true North and its angle with the horizontal equals the sundial's geographical latitude - 30.5 °(angle c) 

Angle a - gives us the period of silence. In 4 minutes 33 seconds sun passes angular distance 1°8',  plus average angular size of the sun, so here comes the angle a - 1°40'.

In midday sun ray passes angle a  and  disappears from the dial plate for 4' 33" .

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