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"In the archeology of Russian life, we will come back to the faceted glass always. This is our symbol, but rather- just the matrix. This bowl is not just for birthdays, but also a memorial bowl. It balances life and death. And means serious things."

Viktor Erofeev

The concept of installation «Galahad»

Material and the conceptual content of the proposed installation is a faceted glass.(STAKAN)

Author: artist Oleg Buryan, Moscow-St-Petersburg

Installation consists of two parts:

The first (the visible part) - the oldest architectural form -ziggurat

A second (virtual part of the installation) - an interactive project for the Google-maps.

The purpose of the work- to fix a vanishing archetype in the space of visual culture (in the form of monumental ziggurat) and synthesis of ritual space with virtual ..


The word for a glass(STAKAN) allegedly comes from Turkish, where «tustygan» ,or “ tostakan "(and in the modern Kazakh lang.) -denotes a bowl. Galahad - Knight of the Round Table King Arthur and one of the searchers for Bowl the Holy Grail was known for spiritual purity and courage, and the only knight who found the Holy Grail. Galahad is also a sort of native grape, which produced an excellent low-cost wine.. In recent times, has become a very popular version, that the design of the faceted glass done by two cult figures of the 20th century art - the author of the sculpture «Worker and Farmer» Vera Mukhina and creator of magic «Black square”- Kazimir Malevich.

Documentary evidence, except the memories of relatives of Mukhina, has not survived. Apparently, the famous pre-revolution «maltsovsky STAKAN” was redesigned to suit the dishwasher in the late 30's.

The pre-revolutionary glass, in turn, used the more archaic form, dating from the era of Peter the Great. Beginning in the mid 19th century, the history of the glass in Russia is closely intertwined with socialism. Sergey Maltsev, was a landlord and follower of the ideas of Robert Owen and Charles Fourier. In 1849 from his serfdom peasants organized phalange. The model of socialism was quite recognizable - uniforms, marching and standardisation. The communar's glasses were produced in American technology (heat stamping), and the business flourished until the abolition of serfdom.

Retired General wrote angry letters to the Tzar, knowing that socialism without serfdom in Russia - utopia. Gradually the business collapsed and Maltsev - bankrupt.

The new socialist spirit for the glass was filled after the revolution.
Lenin in his tipsy speech «Against mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin» describes the STAKAN
as not only the tool for drink. “But the glass is not only these functions or quality, but has a number of properties, qualities, parties, relationships. The glass is a heavy object which can be an instrument for throwing and breaking, can serve as a press weight, as premises for the caught butterfly; a glass may have value as a subject of artistic carving or drawing.”
“Evil Genius of socialism” clearly shows us not only functional but also the aesthetic and heroic content of the STAKAN
There is a motive of STAKAN in the works of the great Soviet architect Konstantin Melnikov. His famous house in Krivokolennyj Lane in Moscow - nothing more than Double (clinking) faceted glasses.
. At the end of 1930, an ambitious Melnykov’s «Green cities»project – a recreation area for workers, concentrically located around the «Institute changes the type of man».
In the explanatory memorandum he explain the main thing in this project «is intended solely for sleep» - «in the form of a series of shells, placed in the ring at a distance of about ten kilometers». A huge faceted cylindrical dormitory - «on the round». (motif of the Round Table of King Arthur?)

The idea of the glass, as container of dreams- genuine STAKAN along with socialism to subconscious archetypes. A cursory glance at the STAKAN as the myth, or cultural matrix gives amazing results.
The very form of the glass - androgyne (worth it just to turn over)
In men’s gender initation, STAKAN served as a symbolic sword. Usually, the first time a boy got the homosocial experience and became the(MUGIK) «man» - with a STAKAN in his hand.

There were special ritual places for them (below)
The material development of the glass was felt in the heroic myth of Peter the First. In the old legend -he threw a glass on the floor (as a test of strength).
History has preserved the legend that by doing so, the emperor exclaimed, «a glass - to be (or to beat)». The custom of beating the glasses after drinking was entrenched as a heroic myth in the Russian officers. And for many foreigners became as simulacres of «Russianness».
Women's household magic in Soviet socio-cultural universe also actively used the theme of STAKAN. As ameasure for flour and sugar when baking, as a matrix, in the manufacture of PELMENY(meat dumplings), as a stand when darning socks etc .The most terrible women’s curse – to describe a man as «a glass of snot» In the communal apartments STAKAN was used for eavesdropping to listen to neighbors talking through the wall.
«Marusya”s band» (or «riska”-in Ukrainian)- a line measured the contents of the glass at 200gr and 50 gr. That has also been important not only in domestic life but also in an alternative economy. (Usually wholesalers sell kuknar (poppy) or marijuana in a full glass, and had a profit margin of 50gr from the line «riska»-risk) Faceted STAKAN - is hero of Russian literature (from Leo Tolstoy, who, left great memories about Sergei Maltsov - to Venedikt Yerofeev in his famous “Moskva-Petushki”).
We find STAKAN in films - from the stunning phrase «Russian-don’t take a snack after the first drink» in the classic «Fate of Man» from Bondarchuk (Senior) - to a magical scene with a trembling glass at the corner of the table in «Mirror» by Tarkovsky. The glass is often found in proverbs and sayings. And how many songs piled on the shattered lives!
Often a symbol of fate - is our faceted character.
The very existence of the STAKAN in public places is used as an informal cultural mark. Millions of people, give everyday a kiss to STAKAN, drinking mineral water from the automats on the streets of the Soviet cities, kefir in factory canteens, and kissel in the kindergartens. The Russian railroad still maintained a pretty custom of serving tea from STAKAN in the special metal PODSTAKANNIKI (the glass holder).

STAKAN accompanied the Russian people - from the first decanted milk from mother's breast - until half a glass with vodka, covered by a slice of bread on the grave.

For this work I want to dwell on the special role of the public STAKAN, as part of what Pushkin called «the secret freedom».
In each locality of the country were places of worship. They met fans of god Bacchus and his wife Liberia (freedom). Sacred content of these sites are identified by the presence of STAKAN. Usually, it was in quiet poetic yards or parks. Glass is often hung on a tree branch nearby. Sometimes the glass was exchanged for the empty bottle in window nearby apartments.(Babushka could get some cash for the empty bottle)
Tradition «gonoshitsya» (to share the rubles) and drink en plein air was fascinating. Being absolutely out of state control, communication flourished through the genre of anecdotes, there was free flow of information, spontaneous political and democratic relations, GLASSNOST (free speech).
Often sang songs with a guitar. Sometimes, a new group of friendly drinkers was waiting until STAKAN of their predecessors was free.

The presence of ladies in the company - must include a STAKAN!
Often refusing to drink without a STAKAN (from the “bottle-throat”) was a sign of social and moral superiority.
According to the author - most of ritual drinking points currently become the most expensive real estate.
These places now belong to banks, office centers, expensive restaurants -the triumphant worship of Mammon.
Reminds one of the displacement of pagan temples by Christian churches.
This alternative culture collapsed along with the semi-official socialism.
Remarkable STAKAN is now eliminated from the cultural field by disposable plastic tableware.
A well-known socio-cultural magazine SOLOURS examines modern consumerist culture. In one of the issues appears a disposable plastic glass, as an example of cynical absurdity. Which is what, in the opinion of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari capitalism and schizophrenia have in common.
The period of natural destruction of this one-dimensional miracle of modern technology is 4000 years.(Marcuse) Recycling is impossible. When burned, it releases hazardous substances.
Visual part of installation:
This work was inspired by Joseph Conrad’s testament «The only archetypes deserving attention to discover and study are the characters that give the basic images of ritual, mythology and vision« As the visual embodiment of idea I selected the archaic monumental form of ziggurat (from the Babylonian word sigguratu - Peak). As is clear from the title, ziggurat was an artificial mound, designed as a symbol of one of those temples, of which Sumerians were deprived, moved from their mountain ancestral home to the plains.
In the construction of installations use empty STAKANY. For fixing glasses- use special glue and the natural weight of the structure.
There is a interior space and a special light score. To highlight use an instrument “Faust”, giving a dynamic light.
The height of structure - 5100mm, width - 3600mm.
The number of glasses — 3,000.

Virtual part of the installation:
In the last 20 years in my journeys around the world I left STAKANY in special, nice places in different parts of the globe. In these places, someone can find a STAKAN and have a drink safe from eyes of police. The author hopes that this site will be complemented and revive the tradition.
All these points could be found on a special website, related to GOOGLE-map.
Website is installed near the ziggurat on a computer screen.

Oleg Buryan


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